
Transform Connected Fleets with Neuron Grid, AI-Powered Network Management

December 5,2023


  • Grid infuses companies’ connectivity operations with AI, resulting in time- and cost-savings, enhanced end-user experiences, and higher customer satisfaction.

  • Grid optimizes the network by consolidating services into a single pipe of bandwidth and using AI and machine learning to dynamically route traffic over the right service at the right time for the best performance, while also managing bandwidth and cost constraints.
  • After deploying Grid, one customer saw a 26% decrease in Wi-Fi refunds and a corresponding 14% increase in customer satisfaction scores.

Everyday, millions of people are transported around the world on ships, planes and trains. Some are just getting from one place to the next, while others spend days, weeks and even months moving across the ocean. Regardless of their journey, they all have one thing in common – they need to be able to use the apps and services on their phones, tablets or laptops without friction. Entertainment and guest experiences are a major driver of this, but connectivity is also the engine that fuels business transformation, crew wellness, telehealth, incident response, sustainability initiatives and so much more – and it needs to work anywhere, anytime.

As we highlighted in this blog post, ensuring reliable, cost-effective, always-on connectivity is a tough challenge to solve for companies that operate connected fleets. And now, the industry is at an inflection point: Legacy business models and solutions are siloed, highly manual and not built for movement; emerging LEO technologies are shaking up the satellite industry; and in the last decade, an explosion of new apps and cloud services has begun to change the way bandwidth is consumed – with no signs of slowing down.

Neuron helps companies break down these silos, navigate market complexities, and take the heavy lifting and guesswork out of network management. The platform comprises solutions that companies can choose and expand on depending on their needs. That includes Neuron Grid, our advanced, AI-powered network management solution. 

Grid infuses companies’ connectivity operations with AI, resulting in time- and cost-savings, enhanced end-user experiences, and higher customer satisfaction. In fact, we collaborated with a customer to measure a 26% decrease in Wi-Fi refunds as a result of meeting guest’s expectations once Grid was deployed, and a corresponding 14% increase in customer satisfaction scores.

With Grid, companies can integrate multiple providers and systems in one place. This allows them to choose the right mix of solutions for their needs – spanning LEO, MEO, GEO, 4G, 5G and Wi-Fi – ensuring always-on coverage, wherever they are. Grid then optimizes the network by consolidating those services into a single pipe of bandwidth and using AI and machine learning to dynamically route traffic over the right service at the right time for the best performance, while also managing bandwidth and cost constraints. This process includes monitoring the health of all satellite links, across one or more providers, and steering traffic toward the best performing links.

Not only does Grid eliminate the need for companies to spend time on manual traffic policies and interventions – it’s far more effective.

Grid intelligently and dynamically routes traffic in a way that guarantees a company’s bandwidth is always usable. It makes prioritization decisions based on a number of factors including the type of app (i.e., social media, streaming, video conferencing, etc.) and the app’s quality of service requirements. And it adapts accordingly. For example, many apps, spanning social media and even home security apps, should actually be treated like streaming services, in terms of their usage and bandwidth consumption. Grid can identify these nuances and route them accordingly in real-time.

As another example of how Grid optimizes bandwidth and performance – guests and crew onboard ships often have apps running in the background on their devices, conducting backups to iCloud, AWS, Google Drive and more. These updates consume a large amount of upstream traffic, and don’t necessarily need to be running all the time. Previously, companies put manual policies in place to try to restrict this traffic, but it wasn’t very effective. Grid automates this process, determining the optimal times for these apps to run, as well as the optimal network path for them to run on, while ensuring they don’t impact the performance of other apps during peak hours.

We’re excited about the journey ahead as companies in aviation, cruise, shipping and more accelerate their digital transformations. To learn more about how Neuron Grid can help your business, send us a note here. Be sure to also check out how Neuron 360, our business intelligence solution, helps companies get a 360-degree view of their connectivity operations, end-to-end.

To stay up-to-date on our latest news, and opportunities to join our fast-growing team, connect with us on LinkedIn. Neuron is headquartered in the greater Miami area, with offices in the UK and India, and remote teams around the world. See open roles here.

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